Cosplay Life Drawing Event
Students from the departments of Digital Media and Art & Design enjoy an evening at the Cosplay Life Drawing event in the Digital Media Center. Thanks to Marty Henley for organizing this!
Students from the departments of Digital Media and Art & Design enjoy an evening at the Cosplay Life Drawing event in the Digital Media Center. Thanks to Marty Henley for organizing this!
Alumni Charlie Colombo recently spoke at CBAT@Work. He’s a Producer|Aerial DP for Loch & Key Productions in Knoxville. He began his talk to students and other professional guests by saying, “My (newer) title is Producer | Aerial DP. That scratches the surface of what I’m doing in my current role. Having to wear a lot of different hats in the production world is actually part of what I’ll touch on. In our market especially, being well rounded in multiple aspects of production provides great job opportunities.” Different from a traditional career fair, CBAT@Work facilitates student and employer networking through a conference social environment. Continue Reading
Jessica Galloway’s Digital Matte Painting was created in Photoshop. The layered image was projected onto geometry using Cinema 4D. Greenscreen footage was added and additional details were created in After Effects.
The 2019 ETSU team won Third-Place at the District 7 level of the National Student Advertising Competition. The competition was held in conjunction with the Spring Conference of the American Advertising Federation, in Mobile, Alabama. The ETSU students competed against other student teams from schools from around the south east such as the University of Alabama, LSU and MTSU. With all districts combined, there were nearly 150 schools working on the same advertising challenge for the client Wienerschnitzel, “The World’s Largest Hot Dog Chain.” The ETSU team was comprised of students from the Department of Digital Media and the Department of Media and Communications. Continue Reading
An overview video for Jensen Abler’s undergraduate Honor’s in Discipline thesis.
Recent graduate Patrick Ferguson (May 2017) in an article on building a modular space station in UE4. Artstation.
ETSU students take first place in district AAF NSAC competition A team of East Tennessee State University students took home top honors in the district-level American Advertising Federation (AAF) 2018 National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC) held in Jackson, Mississippi, and will advance toward the national competition. The NSAC is the premier college advertising competition in the United States, providing more than 2,000 college students the real-world experience of creating a strategic advertising, marketing and media campaign for a corporate client and pitching their work to advertising professionals at the district, semi-final and national levels. This year’s corporate sponsor of the Continue Reading
An interactive digital publication focused on the arts created by students and overseen by faculty at East Tennessee State University brought home the “Student Best of Show” award from the American Advertising Federation of Northeast Tennessee. It also won a regional Addy award which will be presented in April. The publication is called “EVOXE” and was created by students and faculty in ETSU’s mass communication and digital media programs to celebrate the arts at ETSU. It is currently available as an app for mobile and tablet devices as well as viewable online. Inside “EVOXE” are stories about ETSU’s many programs Continue Reading
ETSU Digital Media’s Game Design Concentration was highlighted in this article in the Kingsport Times-News.
Four Digital Media Students are Semi-finalists in the 2016 Adobe Design Achievement Awards We’re pleased to announce that 2 out of the 8 team projects from the Advanced Raster-Based Imaging class in Digital Media were selected as official semifinalists in the 2016 Adobe Design Achievement Awards. Congratulations to Justin Bergan, Scott Hill, Jonah Lasley and Aaron Bookout! 1469 Semifinalists were chosen this year out of 5304 international entrants. the Adobe Design Achievement Awards are a global digital media competition for student creators in 14 categories. Judging Criteria: Project originality and creative excellence. Effectiveness in meeting a communication objective. Demonstrating skills Continue Reading
The Tennessee/Kentucky Communications Association Conference held their second annual Student Film Showcase at Montgomery Bell State Park on September 11, 2015. 35 Colleges/Universities from Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana submitted 38 entries in varied categories of documentary, commercial/PSA and short film. 21 entries were selected for the event. Stacey Suarez, a digital media student, won first place in the commercial category for her stop motion submission Options are Everywhere. Paige Taylor, also a digital media student, won first and second place for her short film submissions Mundane Combat and I Feel Pretty. Congratulations!
Interesting interview with a project team from Principles of Interaction about their 2D side scroller with color-coded puzzles and levels.
There are a number of opportunities for scholarships: Fine and Performing Arts Scholars. Applications for the Fine and Performing Arts Scholars Program are due by March 15th. You’ll need and ACT of 22 or higher and a high school GPA of 2.75 to be considered for this program. Don’t miss this opportunity—it’s a great program and a great scholarhip. You can get the full application information from the honors college. College of Business and Technology Scholarships. Most of the scholarships are for $1,000 and are awarded for the upcoming academic year. All College of Business and Technology undergraduate students Continue Reading
Tim Matney conducted a Matte Painting Workshop at the ETSU Digital Media Center, open to current digital media students on a first-come first-served basis. Tim Matney is an experienced visual effects artist, specializing in digital matte painting, whose work has appeared in many feature films, TV shows, national commercials and games. He began his career as a 3D Generalist working in computer games in the late 90’s, then honed his skills as a modeller and texture artist on feature films, before discovering matte painting on the job and his affinity for it. He currently lives in the Blue Ridge mountains of Virginia, operating Continue Reading